Want to make Warma/Hordes a little more interesting? Want to get hammered while playing? Well you have come to the right place. Yes, a Warmachine/Hordes drinking game. There are a couple different ways you could do this. One of which is you replace your foucs/fury with shots and every time you want to use one you have to take the shot. You will end up on the floor, naked, real fast.
The one I think is better is you have to drink for every damage you warcaster takes. Notice I say drink and not take a shot. This way you can be drinking a beer and if your warcaster takes 10 dmg then you drink for 10 seconds. If he dies, finish the beer.
Does anyone out there have any opinions or other ways to get sloppy while playing?
Also, in Privateer Press No Quarter magazine #11, there are Warmachine themed alcoholic drinks listed in the back, pretty cool.