July 12, 2011

Trolls vs. Legion

This Saturday I pulled out a dusted off my Trolls, and remembered why I love them. They are just so fun to play. I played my friend Brandon who just bought someone's Legion army. This was Brandon's first time playing with legion, and one of his very first games.

If you do not know about the models I would recommend you go to Battle College to read what they do as you read along with this. It will help out alot and is a great way to learn about other armies.


 Legion Deployment
Absylonia (warlock in the middle behind the warbeasts)
Angelius (far right)
Carnivean (warbeast in the middle)
Seraph (warbeast on the left)
x2 Shredders (next to warlock)
Shepherd (next to warlock)
x6 Striders (to the far left)
Strider deathstalker (with the striders)

Trollblood Deployment
Grim Angus (warcaster slightly in middle)
Blitzer (the big troll on far left)
Thumper crew (cannon next to blitzer)
Trollkin Champions (to the right of cannon)
Trollkin Champions Hero (fully painted model next to champs)
Alten Ashley
Troll Impaler
x6 Kriel Warriors with kaber thrower (far left)
The fell caller (behind the warriors) was proxy for the Stone Scribe Chronicler
Viktor Pendrake

Turn 1
Trolls went first and simply moved. The impaler and alten took cover behind the wall. The cannon moved towards the hill (along with Blitzer). The champs went to fill the gap and the kriel warriors went to threaten the right side. 
The legion's turn, and they also just moved up. They are trying to get settled into the forest. The striders realized they couldnt really see through that rock formation so they are going around, making the warriors very nervous. 
The warriors are trying to figure out what they can do with the striders without being gunned down. They decide to run into their faces, with their prayer to give them extra movement. 

Turn 2
Like I said, the trolls run into the faces of the striders. Pendrake runs with them to hide behind the wall to pop out at the right time. The cannon finally gets on the hill. Everyone else just sets up to see what Legion is going to do. 
The Angelius charges the thumper crew and destroys them. But that is exactly what I wanted him to do. The other beasts tried to do some shooting, not really doing anything. And the striders! THE STRIDERS! Well the tore through my Kriel warriors. The caber thrower was the only one left and fled. 
Im sorry. I also see I missed a picture. This is actually part of part 3 I believe. Pendrake moved from around the building to get away from the striders. He then knocked down the Seraph. Grim did some shot on the Angelius that also knocked it down. 

Turn 3 (or 4)
 Alten Ashley shot the angelius doing some damage. The Champs then got pathfinder, and charged the angelius, the seraph, one shredder and the carnivean in one turn. They completely wiped out the angelius and seraph, it was glorious to my eyes. The blitzer moved to the right in order to prepare to take care of the striders if need be. And the impaler moved up. 

The End
The impaler moved forward and got a crit hit on the carnivean, slamming him into the shepard and killing it. The champs charged and killed a shredder (and Grim killed the other one). The caber thrower rallied and attacked the striders who moved up (sorry im missing pics guys), and the blitzer moved in too, killing a couple. Pendrake ran towards the enemy warlock for the hell of it (make her deal with him). And Brandon gave in. 

Sorry I missed taking pictures. My bad. This was my first time to try and take pics during a game. Hopefully I will get better. Also, I didnt write down what happened so couldnt tell you what spells were cast etc etc. Too much work. haha.


July 11, 2011

Warma/Hordes wishlist

Here is a list of models I know I want.....bad.

Dire Troll Mauler: It should be obvious why I want him.....he is amaing.
Slag Troll: To help take down some warjacks
Stone Scribe Chronicler
Skaldi Bonehammer: To help beef up the champions even more
Pyg Bushwhackers: shooting at long range.
Totem Hunter: He seems amazing. must have now

Stormblades with the UA: I want these bad. they seem so awesome!
Captain Arlan Strangewayes

There are other things (of course) I would like. Like the Stryker alternate model, the bomber for trolls, and some things for Khador (since I have the battlebox) like some man o war guys.

If you dont know what any of these are, check out this website, it breaks down every model/unit in the game. Love it.