July 12, 2011

Trolls vs. Legion

This Saturday I pulled out a dusted off my Trolls, and remembered why I love them. They are just so fun to play. I played my friend Brandon who just bought someone's Legion army. This was Brandon's first time playing with legion, and one of his very first games.

If you do not know about the models I would recommend you go to Battle College to read what they do as you read along with this. It will help out alot and is a great way to learn about other armies.


 Legion Deployment
Absylonia (warlock in the middle behind the warbeasts)
Angelius (far right)
Carnivean (warbeast in the middle)
Seraph (warbeast on the left)
x2 Shredders (next to warlock)
Shepherd (next to warlock)
x6 Striders (to the far left)
Strider deathstalker (with the striders)

Trollblood Deployment
Grim Angus (warcaster slightly in middle)
Blitzer (the big troll on far left)
Thumper crew (cannon next to blitzer)
Trollkin Champions (to the right of cannon)
Trollkin Champions Hero (fully painted model next to champs)
Alten Ashley
Troll Impaler
x6 Kriel Warriors with kaber thrower (far left)
The fell caller (behind the warriors) was proxy for the Stone Scribe Chronicler
Viktor Pendrake

Turn 1
Trolls went first and simply moved. The impaler and alten took cover behind the wall. The cannon moved towards the hill (along with Blitzer). The champs went to fill the gap and the kriel warriors went to threaten the right side. 
The legion's turn, and they also just moved up. They are trying to get settled into the forest. The striders realized they couldnt really see through that rock formation so they are going around, making the warriors very nervous. 
The warriors are trying to figure out what they can do with the striders without being gunned down. They decide to run into their faces, with their prayer to give them extra movement. 

Turn 2
Like I said, the trolls run into the faces of the striders. Pendrake runs with them to hide behind the wall to pop out at the right time. The cannon finally gets on the hill. Everyone else just sets up to see what Legion is going to do. 
The Angelius charges the thumper crew and destroys them. But that is exactly what I wanted him to do. The other beasts tried to do some shooting, not really doing anything. And the striders! THE STRIDERS! Well the tore through my Kriel warriors. The caber thrower was the only one left and fled. 
Im sorry. I also see I missed a picture. This is actually part of part 3 I believe. Pendrake moved from around the building to get away from the striders. He then knocked down the Seraph. Grim did some shot on the Angelius that also knocked it down. 

Turn 3 (or 4)
 Alten Ashley shot the angelius doing some damage. The Champs then got pathfinder, and charged the angelius, the seraph, one shredder and the carnivean in one turn. They completely wiped out the angelius and seraph, it was glorious to my eyes. The blitzer moved to the right in order to prepare to take care of the striders if need be. And the impaler moved up. 

The End
The impaler moved forward and got a crit hit on the carnivean, slamming him into the shepard and killing it. The champs charged and killed a shredder (and Grim killed the other one). The caber thrower rallied and attacked the striders who moved up (sorry im missing pics guys), and the blitzer moved in too, killing a couple. Pendrake ran towards the enemy warlock for the hell of it (make her deal with him). And Brandon gave in. 

Sorry I missed taking pictures. My bad. This was my first time to try and take pics during a game. Hopefully I will get better. Also, I didnt write down what happened so couldnt tell you what spells were cast etc etc. Too much work. haha.


July 11, 2011

Warma/Hordes wishlist

Here is a list of models I know I want.....bad.

Dire Troll Mauler: It should be obvious why I want him.....he is amaing.
Slag Troll: To help take down some warjacks
Stone Scribe Chronicler
Skaldi Bonehammer: To help beef up the champions even more
Pyg Bushwhackers: shooting at long range.
Totem Hunter: He seems amazing. must have now

Stormblades with the UA: I want these bad. they seem so awesome!
Captain Arlan Strangewayes

There are other things (of course) I would like. Like the Stryker alternate model, the bomber for trolls, and some things for Khador (since I have the battlebox) like some man o war guys.

If you dont know what any of these are, check out this website, it breaks down every model/unit in the game. Love it.

June 28, 2011

First Khador

My awesome wife got me the Khador battlebox for my birthday. When I was a kid, I wanted little men, as an adult............no changes. haha. Naturally, I went for my own take on the paint scheme. These were my first plastic figures by P.P., I was worried I wouldnt like the plastics. But honestly, I think they are great. They have more detail, are easier to work with, and do not feel super light like I thought they would.
Here is what I have painted so far.



I hope these pics came out ok. I obviously took them differently. The Cygnar ones came out so bright. Are these too dark? Please please please give me your opinions. Thanks.

June 8, 2011

Battle drinks!

Want to make Warma/Hordes a little more interesting? Want to get hammered while playing? Well you have come to the right place. Yes, a Warmachine/Hordes drinking game. There are a couple different ways you could do this. One of which is you replace your foucs/fury with shots and every time you want to use one you have to take the shot. You will end up on the floor, naked, real fast.

The one I think is better is you have to drink for every damage you warcaster takes. Notice I say drink and not take a shot. This way you can be drinking a beer and if your warcaster takes 10 dmg then you drink for 10 seconds. If he dies, finish the beer.

Does anyone out there have any opinions or other ways to get sloppy while playing?

Also, in Privateer Press No Quarter magazine #11, there are Warmachine themed alcoholic drinks listed in the back, pretty cool.

May 31, 2011

Housing Project part 2

Ive been playing around with the house some tonight. Here is what I've done.

As you can see I've only worked on the front. I used green stuff to cover up the gaps that were there from making the door shorter. The door still seems a little tall, oh well. This is just a test house. I then used the cardboard from my new Khador battlebox and made the corners. I used more green stuff for the rivets. I think they may be a little big. Not too sure. I used more cardboard to create the overhang over the window. I also used some balsa wood for the supports. The windows are waaaayyy too high. So I didnt know what to do about that. I just tried out the overhang and covered the upper two windows, just leaving the bottom ones, I think that works. For the door I simply covered the hole with cardboard and made a boarded with balsa wood.

For the windows on the sides, I think I may make some shutters and close em up. I also have to figure out how I want the door to look. Then its to the roof. Not sure if I will make tiles or metal slabs (like sheet metal, although I have no idea how to do that).

May 30, 2011

Housing Project

I found this cardboard house at Hobby Lobby today. It only cost $2.99. They also had two-story ones as well. So I said, hell, why not. Im gonna play around with it, alter it alot, add shingles, a door, work on the windows, have to pipes for steam punk-ness, etc etc. I think there will be alot of green stuff work too, which will be new to me. So yea, I have never done anything like this before, so this will be a test. I know its a little big, its the roof that makes it tall. And yes, the roof can be removed. But for the price, you cant beat it. Ill post every now and again as I work on it. And in the pic you can see that I cut a piece of balsa wood to make the door shorter. I then primed the front simply to see how it would look.

For Cygnar!!!

Here are some of my finished Cygnar models. As you can see I dont like to go by the Privateer Press color scheme. I decided to go purple and gold because I am a huge LSU fan (my alma mater). So these are members of the Fighting Tiger regiment of Cygnar.




Coleman Stryker
I hated the head that came on the classic Stryker model. So I used a head from the storm guards instead to show that he is wearing a helmet. And I lucked out! Stryker was a storm guard before he became a warcaster. win. 

                                                                    The Battle Group
                                                    Here is the classic starter set for Cygnar.

                                                                         The Hunter

                                                                      The Defender

May 26, 2011


I am nearly done painting my Cygnar battlebox. Just a little bit more work on the Ironclad and thats it! So far for Cygnar I have painted fully:
Stryker x1
Lancer x1
Charger x1
Hunter x1
Defender  x1

I have tons more to do. I already have my trollblood battlebox fully painted. Along with the Blitzer and a couple others (cant remember off the top of my head). I will be posting these pics up this weekend. Also, my wonderful wife got me the Khador battlebox for my b-day. So time to work on those. I think I want to do them a drab military green/olive color scheme. I really like how these look! So we shall see.

Look for my pics up this weekend and tell me what you think.

p.s. I need to find out how to take good pictures damnit.

May 25, 2011

Privateer Press 10th Anniversary sale

Now is the time to get into Warmachine/Hordes (you should be in it already fool). They are having a great sale. If you buy a battlebox (its a starter set for whichever faction you want) and a token set, then they throw in free, yes free, the rulebook and a tape measure. The shipping is also free. Thats awesome! And if you like their No Quarter magazine (it is great, and kills white dwarf) then you will be happy to hear that they are also having specials on their backstock issues. Click here for all the specials.

May 10, 2011

Beasts of War

Beasts of War has a website with fantastic videos of everything warmachine/hordes. They also do plenty on Warhammer and 40k. Check em out here. You can also find their videos on youtube. I love watching their stuff, you can learn alot about the models and tactics.

Soon I will post some pics of some of my Cygnar and Trollblood models.

Tough decision

After much thought, I have made a tough decision. I have decided to solely play Warmachine/Hordes, and get rid of my Warhammer Empire army. I simply do not have enough time to allocate to both games. They both take up so much time painting, learning tactics, and playing. There is only room for one.

I chose Warmachine/Hordes because, well frankly, it is a much much better game. The models are fantastic. The fluff great. You dont have to have 100+ models to play, 30 is good, so not as much you have to paint, or lug around. The game mechanics are simply far superior. There is much more strategy involved unlike Warhammer where you have huge blocks that all you can really do is move up into contact with other huge blocks. And Privateer Press who make Warmachine/Hordes is a young American Company.

Now what to do with all my Warhammer stuff. I have a huge Empire army, much of which has not even been opened. I have the 8th ed. rulebook and Empire codex. I will keep some of the models I have painted (cause I like them), and will sell the rest. Ebay is the way to go I suppose. Maybe I will finish painting some and sell them for a wee profit. I dont know. But you can expect more Warmachine/Hordes posts (whenever I do post which is rare).

It has been a while since I have played. I am hoping to pick up a game or two this weekend when me and my wife go visit her parents in Texas. There is a game store near there.

I am also interested in becoming a press ganger for privateer press for my "local" game store (I say "local" cause it is an hour away). And a press ganger I will but on monthly tournaments and other events. The store badly needs a ganger.

March 30, 2011

For fun

I got a couple reaper minis just for fun from the game store one day. I liked how they looked, simple as that. After buying them I looked more into Reaper and was amazed at how many minis they have. Most of them look like crap in my opinion, but some are very nice. And they are cheap.

Awesome minis

I have just come across this online store and fell in love with the models. The company is called Dark Sword Miniatures. And all I can say is wow. Check out their models, amazing. And whoever they have painting is incredible. I would love to get some of these models and paint up. Here are some of my select favorites from their site. Enjoy.

March 18, 2011

Female Orcs and Goblins

I asked a friend at Little Wars gamestore in Baton Rouge, LA if there are female Orcs and Goblins in Warhammer. How do they reproduce? Do I even want to know? Gross.........ahhhhh image in my head! Well, I was told that they are in fact basically a fungus. That they spread across planets as a fungus would. I thought this was stupid. I love Orcs and Goblins (dont have an army of them, and havent played with them, just love the rules, seem like they would be tons of fun), but hate the idea of them as spores or a fungus. Stupid. I have a warhammer Empire army. They are great and all, but I find myself wishing I had built an Orcs and Goblins army instead. Yet again, they just seem like so much fun. Yea, I will most likely not win with them like the Empire army, but when I would win it would be hilarious. Anyways, I did come across this old Games Workshop Bloodbowl female orc cheerleader............
ok, maybe it is better they are a fungus. I will have nightmares now.

March 9, 2011

Are you kidding?

Ok, this may be just because I am writing this in frustration, but I HATE the Darkson Design AE ww2 models!! They are the biggest pain to put together! None of the pieces, none, fit well. I am going to have to use green stuff for everything. Plus, everything is so tiny that when you hold it to stay together to glue your fingers glue together and it becomes annoying as hell. Seriously guys? Also, some parts of the models, say the end of the guns, are so so so very thin. They are bound to break anytime. I almost just wanna give up and throw these damn things away. ugh

The bottom of the models is also too big. There are tons of extra metal you have to cut off. There is metal pieces everywhere. My wife is gonna kill me. Thanks Darkson, thanks alot.

March 7, 2011


I love the game "Legends of the High Seas." Its a Pirate era skirmish/rpg game. The rules are fantastic and extremely fun. There are also some elements to make it pretty funny too. I also love how you can create a crew, and keep up with their stats from game to game. In one game one of your troops can be captured, then you can play the next game where you try to rescue him. There is so much you can do, its great. Also, the rules can be used nor just for pirates. You can use the same rules for times like the French and Indian War, American Revolution, etc. Once you get into later periods like the Civil War I would recommend Legends of the Old West. Both rulebooks are made my Warhammer Historical. When it comes to models, you can use whatever you want. I have found some pretty good pirate models at Black Scorpion games. Here are some pics of some of my Black Scorpion models.

Here is my British Marine unit. I had to find out the hard way that the rifles arent the greatest. Yea they have a longer range, but its not that great, and the reload time really hurts.
I didnt try to paint them historically accurate. I just had fun with these. 

These two are just some randoms that I have painted up. The one with the axe has always been my favorite. I have named him "Porkins." My friend Chris keeps trying to kill him off over all my others. Punk. My paint job and basing on these is not the greatest. I didn't spend time on details, just wanted to paint them up and make them table ready.

So yea. I have a "few" more Black Scorpion models to paint up. You will randomly see more and more posted on here.

Axis and Allies Miniatures

Axis and Allies miniatures games is a booster pack game. This means that you buy booster packs of the models. These packs are random and sometimes you will hate what you get, sometimes you will love it all, and sometimes you will just get one really good one. The models are pre-painted plastic models, and arent too too bad (except for the infantry). You also play on fold out maps. I like the game alot. Its alot of fun and easy to pick up. I did some tutorial videos of the game. Check em out.

Part 1:

Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
Part 5:
Part 6:

I always thought it would be amazing to play this game on a homemade 3d board. You could use products such as those from Hexon or TB Line, but lordy that gets expensive.

March 4, 2011

AEww2 minis

I have recently heard about the skirmish based gamed called AE WW2, by Darkson Designs.The basis of the game is pretty cool, what if WW2 had not ended. What if the Nazis continued their crazy experiments and search for relics, and succeeded. I loved the idea of the game. I ordered the rulebook and the starter sets for the Americans and the Germans. The rulebook is fantastic, full color, great story, and rules that look like alot of fun. The models look awesome, except for the US Mech, what looks like crap.

I got the starter set boxes in and was surprised at, how do I say this, at how crappy they are. The metal is extremely dirty and really needs work done to it. I have scraped and scraped excess metal off of them constantly. They are also a pain in the but to put together. The guns also look goofy. They are big and bulky.


 These are the boxes the models came in, it surprised me how small the boxes were.

You get the rules on a double sided sheet.
 Here are some of the German models, you can see the amount of clean up it takes to get em going.
 Here are some of the German weapons.

 Here are some of the US weapons

Some more of the German troops

Here is the American forces, including the big, bulky, plain mech.

All in all, pretty disappointed in the models, especially the mech. I would have to find something else to take the place of that crap model. The rulebook states that Pulp City models work very well as heroes and what not with the game. I think this model, Iron Train, would work real good to replace the mech.
 It has a more "realistic" feel to the technology they would have had in the period, if they had the technology at all for such a device. Hell of alot better than the model that comes with the starter set.

Once I finally get the models put together (taking forever) Ill post the pics of them up.