I got the starter set boxes in and was surprised at, how do I say this, at how crappy they are. The metal is extremely dirty and really needs work done to it. I have scraped and scraped excess metal off of them constantly. They are also a pain in the but to put together. The guns also look goofy. They are big and bulky.
These are the boxes the models came in, it surprised me how small the boxes were.
You get the rules on a double sided sheet.
Here are some of the German models, you can see the amount of clean up it takes to get em going.
Here are some of the German weapons.
Here are some of the US weapons
Some more of the German troops
Here is the American forces, including the big, bulky, plain mech.
All in all, pretty disappointed in the models, especially the mech. I would have to find something else to take the place of that crap model. The rulebook states that Pulp City models work very well as heroes and what not with the game. I think this model, Iron Train, would work real good to replace the mech.
It has a more "realistic" feel to the technology they would have had in the period, if they had the technology at all for such a device. Hell of alot better than the model that comes with the starter set.
Once I finally get the models put together (taking forever) Ill post the pics of them up.
I'm aware of AE-WW2 but never played it myself. I always found the sculpts looked a bit weird in regard to body proportions. I play Secrets of the Third Reich which is a rival game about the same subject, WW2 never ending and weird stuff being developed by out of control scientists. Pretty fun, but on a larger (platoon) level than AE-WW2 which seems to be a small skirmish game.