February 23, 2012

New Year's(ish) resolution

So, I know its a little late to make a new year's resolution. Better late than never Ive always said! (my bosses at various jobs never seemed to agree).

I am going to consolidate all of my little men! What I mean is that I will simply focus on Warma/Hordes. I will also keep up with my French and Indian war models as well, just not as much. You see, I have tons of Warhammer Empire models (a whole Empire army), Warhammer 40k models (a whole space wolves army) and tons of Warhammer Lord of the Rings models. I dont even have time to play one game. So I am going to sell them all. Its a tough decision, but must be done. Luckily I dont need the money, but all these models are simply collecting dust because I think warhammer fantasy sucks, 40k is kinds boring, and no one plays lord of the rings unfortunately (this game is pretty awesome). I am only going to stick with warma/hordes.

My other part of the resolution is that I am going to complete at least 1 model a week. Every week I plan to post a picture of my completed model. The types may vary to keep my from getting bored.

Right now I have a full Cygnar army and a full Trollblood army. I want to get a Searforge Commission army. I am contemplating getting rid of my Cygnar, not too sure yet.

Well, time to take inventory of everything I want to sell. Ill post it all on here when I put it on ebay. 


  1. Yay! I was worried you were gonna say you were quitting altogether! I am in the process of selling my Imperial Guard army - the proceeds are gonna get me into the Hordes side finally - its a toss up between Everblight, Gator Minions, and Pig minions...

  2. If it was me, GATOR MINIONS!!!
